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Help Conserve and Protect Wildlife.


One of the key elements in maintaining the balance in our ecosystem, between nature and the human race is the help of wildlife. It has been said that India has the most beautiful wildlife all over the world because of the country's thick green forest, fertile greeneries, and millions of tropical trees and also the wide selection of their wild animals and the endangered ones in their natural homes. Behind this facade of beauty and lively wildlife is the extinction of some animals and their species which is somehow going to result to the oblivion of the Indian wildlife.


It is not only in India that animals are in grave danger, but the events of endangering animals are happening all over the world. Animals are helpless and are abused by humans and they need help because they cannot do it on their own. Amidst the efforts of the government to conserve some species of the wildlife, people are still going at it and will not seem to stop. India has a lot of national parks, but one specific national park was in danger because people are still poaching the tigers in this area and that led to the extinction of tigers in the whole country of India. Click here to learn more  .


That is just one of the examples on how ruthless human beings can be towards animals, and apathetic towards their species and population or how they affect our ecosystem. In order to help protect the wildlife or conserve it, the easiest yet the most neglected way is to spread awareness about the issue. How are people going to exert effort if they do not know what is happening? How will they exert effort if they do not care? One thing that raising awareness does is that it informs people and it is one way of eliminating the apathy in them.


People are now more connected to each other than never before, and that is because of the internet. Ultimately, raising awareness should become very easy because your scope of influence is already the world and not only limited to your place. Raising awareness involves putting up pictures, articles and facts about what is really happening. All of these stuff, photo, article, video can be combined to reach the efforts of many and this can be done easily in today's time because of the help of computers. Raising awareness is also one way of educating the people or the readers because the more they know about something, the more they tend to care about it. See this Mountain Wilderness International Facebook page.

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